
❤ COCO MADE ME DO IT tee Giveaway

Las camisetas con mensaje han arrasado, es un hecho. Así que voy a sortear una con la frase  «Coco made me do it» color negro, entre los comentarios que dejéis en este post.

Coco made me do it

Para participar sigue los siguientes pasos:

1. Añade un comentario AQUÍ en la web de Romwe, explicando por qué te gusta esta prenda.

2. Deja otro comentario en este post.

El agraciado de tan codiciada prenda será elegido por sorteo el 17 de marzo.

¡Buena suerte!

Mientras os frotáis las manos esperando que la suerte os sonría y os toque, aquí van algunas ideas para sacarle partido.

Coco made me do it!

Coco Made Me Do It....... Blame it all on Coco :)

PreppyFashionist: Coco made me do it

Gentlemen are welcome too!

Coco Made Me Do It

Street Style

coco made me do it. Thrifted outfit from the red closet diary blog.


Coco made me do it

Coco made me do it

#Coco Made Me Do It


Worldwide open #Giveaway!

How to participate:

1.       Use your Facebook account to add a comment on the product page HERE   explaining why you love this tee.

2.       Tell me you have done it by leaving me a comment in this post.

One lucky winner will be picked on 17th March 2014.

Good luck!

If you can’t wait, this tee will be only $9.99 on 13th March GMT. Also, here is a discout code 10%offcoco wich can save you another 10% for this cool tee .

Coco Made Me Do It - LOOKBOOK.nu


Paris & Fashion Weektwo of my favorite things . The city of lights shone a little brighter this week thanks to the incredible Autumn Collections from France’s finest. Adding extra sparkle to the affair were the attendees themselves– brightening the streets with chic looks that are sure to inspire girls world-wide. So NSMV readers– get ready to «Ooh and Awe» and hit LIKE/TWEET/ PIN IT, as I’ve rounded up my favorite street-style looks that are sure to leave you saying très chic.
Elin Kling Anna Selezneva
Xiao Wen Ju
SAINT ALLISON tore this image to their profile. Paris fashion week, street style, fur trim coat, leather pants, leopard sweater, leopard ankle booties. 
Elena Perminova Elena Perminova

 SAINT ALLISON tore this photograph to their profile. Leather jacket, floral maxi dress, street style, paris fashion week.

Allison Yoo tore this photo to their profile. Celine navy blue dress and khaki trench coat, versace gladiator lace up heels, beanie, street style.