New Year’s Eve Look

New Year’s Eve is fast approaching and don’t have anything to wear? While metallics are a tried-and-true New Year’s Eve uniform, I like to go for something unexpected. Black lace is a fresh, sexy fabric perfect for ringing in 2013.

If a casual night in is in the works, go for luxe materials in comfortable silhouettes. Exaggerated harem pants are quite a statement, but in matte black lace, they read chic and down to earth. Throw on a simple cashmere sweater in matching black for a soft and cozy, yet party-appropriate look. Finish it off with bright pink (and very sexy) heels to add a little extra NYE flair.

For a night out, you can’t go wrong with a body-con silhouette, but mix it up with an eye-catching accesorize. A LBD takes on a whole new personality when paired with bright, playful accessories.

It Girls | María Fitz-James

Ves­tido negro dise­ñado por su her­mana Clea / LBD desig­ned by Clea, her sister

Botas ins­pi­ra­ción mili­tar de See by Chloé, com­pra­das en Yube / Mili­tary boots — See by Chloé

Pic­tu­res: Julio Gam­boa for

María Fitz-James es rela­cio­nes públi­cas en Cien Volando, una empresa de comu­ni­ca­ción y orga­ni­za­ción de even­tos de la que es socia fun­da­dora. Ante­rior­mente ha tra­ba­jado en perio­dismo espe­cia­li­zado en moda y todo este sucu­lento back­ground ade­más de su incon­fun­di­ble estilo per­so­nal que Patri­cia Nico­lás define en Sty­lish Diso­rien­ta­tion como ¨effortless chic¨ hacen de ella una It Girl por dere­cho pro­pio. ¡Cuánto añoro los posts de su extinto blog Save the Date! María debes vol­ver al blo­gos­fe­rismo ASAP, tus adep­tos te echa­mos mucho de menos.

María Fitz-James is a PR and co-founder of Cien Volando, a com­mu­ni­ca­tion and events orga­ni­sa­tion com­pany. She is a for­mer fas­hion jour­na­list too and this yummy back­ground wit­hin her effortless-chic style make her the per­fect can­di­date to be the per­fect It Girl. I really miss her disap­pea­red blog Save the Date. Please María, you should come back to the blo­gosp­here urgently! Your fans need you!
